Living Out Genesis 1:28 While Being Child Free

Gen. 1:28

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

I used to cringe whenever I heard this scripture because I felt as if I was somehow letting God down by not being able to multiply biologically. Which is illogical because He was the one who created me. He knows my beginning and my ending. God knew Nyah and Zion would leave this earth just as quickly as they had entered it. 

So how does a child free couple fulfill the command? How are we fruitful and how do we multiply while being child free?

The first way is for us to be fruitful and multiply in everything we do in our marriages. Fruitfulness and multiplicity isn’t just about biological fertility. We do have to keep in mind this scripture was before the fall of mankind. However, it doesn’t mean we can’t walk it out.

For the child free couple, I believe we are to be fertile ground for the kingdom of God. Our marriages should be so strong and loving that it begets other strong and loving marriages. We are to serve God and others through our marriage. My marriage is a witness that even through the loss of children and my being child free due to circumstance, He is still faithful. God can be trusted. 

Let me take a brief pause and remind you that your marriage vows contain nothing about having children. The ceremony is about you and your spouse committing to each other through the good and the bad. Every marriage should operate with God as the head leading and guiding you. 

The multiplicity isn’t about us, but it is about Him. We are to multiply His glory and His spirit in the earth. Again, being child free doesn’t mean we are to steer clear of children at all cost. And unless you live on a desert island with your spouse, not coming in contact with children is impossible. 

When you have the opportunity to talk to a child, pour your love and attention into them. Plant the seeds of Godly wisdom into their heart. Pray for their success because as Whitney Houston sang “the children are our future.” I would also like to add this goes for not just children, but for anyone and everyone we encounter. The agape love we have within us should be shared in order to grow and expand God’s kingdom in the earth.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any comments or questions at

All thoughts, experiences, and opinions expressed in this blog are my own. This series is for those who are childfree for a season or a lifetime.


Child Free: Season or Lifetime?


Childfree, Not Childless