I Don’t Know Who You Are Anymore

Everyone is demonized

in your narrative.

But could it be

the enemy

who lies within you.

Twisting and turning

the truth, like

wicker furniture

sitting upon the porch of your heart.

In your mind,

everyone is out

to harm you,

to take from you,

to destroy you.

It is so untrue,

but logic escapes you.

Is it the disease

feasting at your mind’s table

savoring the deceit cooked up

and served on fine China?

Or is it a manipulative ploy

to get what you want at all cost

as you throw

dollar bills and coins

at a problem unfixable

by man-made currency?

The lines have blurred.

Fact and fiction

are no longer relative

their relationship has been torn

to shreds as is ours.

My love remains

but it must operate from a distance,

two ships passing each other

in the night,

sailing in foreign waters.

It pains me to see

you are no longer

the person you used to be.

Or maybe

this is bringing out

your true nature.

I refuse to be damaged

by this emotional baggage

brought on by life’s circumstances.

My heart

yields to forgiveness

but I am unsure

I will ever forget the pain

I feel knowing

this is not the real you

manifesting before my eyes.



Black Girl Magic

