Setting New Year’s Goals, Not Resolutions
Every year most people resolve to do one thing or another. For most, it’s losing weight, eating healthier or getting in shape. My current shape is an oval due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise.
Last year, I too resolved to become a skinnier version of myself. The reason I didn’t keep this resolution was because I didn’t remain motivated and I didn’t have a real plan. I did buy a gym membership; however, after a few months I stopped going. But the gym continues drafting my account each month, at least until the end February.
I refuse to make another new year's resolution. There is an old saying that goes “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This is the reason why most of us never achieve our full potential.
I’ve shifted to making goals. Goals require a plan you can implement. We’ve all heard of SMART goals: S-specific, M-measurable, A-attainable, R-relevant, T-time bound. One of my goals is to write and revise one picture book a month. This meets the criteria because it is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.
What are your SMART goals? What do you plan to accomplish next year and beyond? If you are able, set aside an hour or two to sit down, meditate, and write out your goals. Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it (Habakkuk 2:2).
Because I am a woman of faith, I do a little extra. I put God first in everything I do. I ask the holy ghost to reveal to me what I am to work towards.
I have financial, spiritual, career (counseling and writing), marriage, and ministry goals. After I write them, I post a few on my prayer wall. I did this last year and a few of my top goals came to pass. God truly blew my mind in 2023. I am already writing that blog/testimony and hope to share it with you soon.
I not only prayed and believed, but I also put in the work. Faith without works is dead (James 2:14). Faith, obedience, and work brings about the manifestation of your goals and dreams.
Take the New Year’s Goals Challenge:
Write down the goals for every area of your life.
Post them in a location where you can review them often.
Have honest conversations with yourself about how close you are to attaining your goals.
Readjust or rewrite your goals, if necessary.
The time frame of when you reach your goals may change, but don’t get weary in well doing. Keep moving forward. You can’t reach the finish line if you stop in the middle of the race.
I would also like to suggest surrounding yourself with goal-oriented people. These should be people who will not only hold you accountable, but will also provide you with encouragement and wisdom on accomplishing your goals.
Remember, your new year doesn’t have to start January 1, it can begin whenever you decide you want something different. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at