Joy Will Come

Be careful about the decisions you make when things are not going great in your life. We all face challenges and trials. When these issues pop up, never make a rash decision. 

In my profession, I sometimes work with youth who have suicidal thoughts. In our talks, the overall message I give them is to never make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation. Often what we go through is only temporary. Ps. 30:5 says “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” 

For my writers, the rejection you faced is only temporary. There is an agent/editor out there who will love your manuscript. We all know that in this industry, rejection is part of the process. It never feels good. When my work is rejected by an editor, I simply say “I am one No closer to my Yes.” 

For those currently in a trial, it is only temporary. Continue to wait on the Lord because joy is coming. And really you can have joy while you are going through. Joy is not just a feeling, it is a lifestyle. Joy is a made up mind that whatever comes, you still believe God and know that He has the final say. 

Don’t allow tests, trials, or rejection to abort your dreams or your purpose. If God gave you the mandate, the vision, or the gift, He expects you to complete the work you have begun for His glory. You, with the Holy Ghost as your guide, can see it through. 

I pray you have a wonderful Monday!


Honoring Labor Day


Consistency is Key