Consistency is Key
Over the past few weeks, I have felt like something has been off. Through prayer and self-examination, the reason was simple…I lacked consistency.
I found several areas of my life had become stagnant due to my not being consistent. From my prayer life and my study time to the handling of my business and even my writing…all lacked consistency.
Being consistent is how you see results which then allows you to make the necessary adjustments for improvement. I was no longer receiving the data I desperately needed to improve those areas. I was also no longer at the top of my game. I had been floundering around with no clear or distinct direction.
During my time of reflection, this is what I discovered
You have to keep going no matter how you feel or what it looks like. Don’t allow life’s distractions to cause you to lose focus on your goals or tasks.
Procrastination is delayed obedience to your purpose. Delayed obedience is disobedience to God’s will for your life.
Gal. 6:9 says, And let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. Don’t get tired or frustrated with moving in your purpose, your success is soon to come.
If you haven’t been consistent, join me on this journey to reset and refocus. Here are a few ways to become consistent.
Develop a routine.
Prioritize your time.
Avoid distractions.
Complete your daily tasks.
As we work to become consistent, let us celebrate the big and small accomplishments that come from it. We can do this!
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments at I would love to hear from you.