Excerpt - Peter’s Dream Book

Peter awakens with a toothy grin. He had THE. BEST. DREAM. EVER. At least, he thinks he did. 

He can’t remember the dream. He can’t remember what made him smile. He can’t remember anything. Well, Peter does remember writing the dream in a notebook. 

He looks on his nightstand, but the notebook isn’t there. The notebook exists in the dream world. Not in his real room on his real nightstand. 

“Momma, last night I had the most wonderful dream,” Peter said, “but I can’t remember it.” 

“That happens sometimes. I am sure you will remember it one day.”

But Peter didn’t want to wait until one day. He wanted to remember the dream today. 

Peter had to find a way to get the notebook from the dream world to the real world. He had to know what he had written down. 



Spring Break Baby Woes