Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 3

You are not a silent partner.

In the early years of my husband’s journey, I would often hold back on offering my opinion on his business decisions. And because I did, he made many mistakes and our household suffered financially. I wanted to have a hands-off approach. My thinking at the time was “this was his business.” After a few unnecessary hardships, I decided to take a different approach.

I began to move from being a silent partner to one who shared my wisdom, thoughts, ideas, and even expertise with him. Yes, I said expertise. I have a degree in communications with an emphasis in public relations and marketing, which is what I was doing professionally at the time. I was able to use this to help publicize and market his business effectively.

Don’t be afraid to share your ideas about ways to improve his business. Believe me, it will be beneficial in the end. God created us to be a helpmeet to our husbands. We are to help them meet their goals and dreams. Don’t sit idly by and watch them fail.

I must admit there were times when I offered advice that my husband didn’t take, and things didn’t work out. I was upset about it; however, I did my best to quickly get over it. In the end, the ultimate decision as to whether to take the advice was his. I am currently a middle school counselor. I ask my students often “Who do you have control over?” The response is always “no one but me.” As much as you will want your spouse to follow your guidance, there may be times when they won’t. Just know you can only control yourself and your reaction.

In those times when things went wrong, I prayed. I asked God to allow him to learn the lesson and to still work things out in my husband’s favor. I have also prayed to not allow the decisions to negatively impact us financially. And they didn’t.

After more than 10 years of being on this journey with my husband, I can honestly say he does listen more when I offer my ideas and wisdom. We also communicate better.

Again, you are a helpmeet. If you feel as if your husband won’t be receptive to what you have to say, pray before talking to him. Ask God to open your husband’s heart, ears, and mind; and to be receptive to what you have to say. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” After you have prayed, allow the holy spirit to give you the right words to say to your husband. Trust me, this works.

There is so much more to say, however, I don’t have enough time to write it all. So, feel free to comment or ask questions below.

Tune in next Friday for Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 4.  


Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 4


Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 2