Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 4

Recognize the signs of burnout for your spouse and yourself. Take a vacation or if the finances aren’t available, take a staycation.

It is important to take time out to rest your body, mind, and spirit. Running a business is demanding and will take a lot out of you and your spouse. As a wife, I often felt responsible for the success of my husband’s business.

I would often put aside my own well-being to ensure my husband’s business was operational.

I work full-time as a middle school counselor. In the early days of the business, I would leave work and go straight to the restaurant to help my husband. He didn’t have a dependable staff at the time, so my help was needed. I did this for about 5 months straight until my body couldn’t take it anymore. I was working 6 days a week with only time to rest after church on Sundays.

Mentally, I was over it and physically I just couldn’t do it anymore. I talked with my husband and he was able to find others to work in my place. Now I wasn’t off all the time. I did and still do have to go into the restaurant to help every now and then, but he does his best to make other arrangements.

When he begins to feel overwhelmed or overworked, I can recognize it. And we try to find times when we either take a mini-vacation or we just relax at home and do nothing.

Regardless of how you spend your time relaxing, always find the time to unplug and reconnect with God.


Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 5


Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 3