Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 5

“Don’t become so focused on your spouse’s vision that you forget your own personal hobbies, dreams, and Godly purpose.”

As wives, we often sacrifice our own dreams for others. If you are a mother or caregiver to an elderly parent, putting yourself on the back burner happens out of necessity.  When life happens, we roll with the punches and do what we must to care for those we love.

However, we should always remember our Godly purpose in life. What was or is that one thing you have always wanted to do? What do you enjoy doing in your limited free time? Do you want to one day start your own consulting business or go back to school to get that degree?

It may not be the time to focus financially on your dream, but don’t let that stop you from doing research, setting, and accomplishing small goals, or being creative.

For the longest time, I poured myself into my husband’s dream. I knew it wasn’t the right time to fully pursue my dream of publishing a children’s book, but that didn’t stop me from writing. I would (and still do) wake up early in the morning to write. This is the time when I am my most creative. This is also the time when the house is quiet. (My house is usually quiet since we don’t have children.)

It was during this time I would hone my craft as a writer. I watched YouTube videos, read articles, joined writing critique groups, attended free writing webinars, and read books. I was determined to see my personal vision come to pass. About a year later, I was finally able to begin the process to publication. My first book was published with a vanity press. (A vanity press is a small publishing company you pay to do the work.) In April, my book was released.

Never give up on your dreams. Continue to pursue what God has purposed for your life. I am a firm believer that God will open the door of opportunity on your behalf at the right time.

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Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 6


Entrepreneur’s Wife Lesson 4