Choose Peace

Recently, I received some difficult news. At that moment, I had two options: 1. Worry about the situation or 2. Put it in God’s hands and be at peace about it. 

I chose option 2. When I heard the news, I didn’t get upset. I talked to God and asked the Holy Ghost to give me direction for my next move. Whether I worried or accepted God’s peace, the situation was out of my control. So why worry about something I have no control over. 

Now this situation not only affected me but several other people. I don’t know how the other people reacted. I pray they have peace in their hearts, minds, and spirit. 

When you are faced with tests and trials, choose peace. The end result may not be exactly what you want, but God has everything under control. Nothing takes Him by surprise. 

Please take a moment to watch/listen to Peace About It by Elder Claude Harris, Jr. I know you will be blessed by this song. 

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