Dream Big: No More Wash, Rinse, Repeat

In the past, I found myself confined to what I believed would be my life. Go to work, go to church, then back home again. My life was wash, rinse, repeat. This was mainly because I didn’t know who I was in Christ, nor was I operating in the vision God had predestined me to walk out. 

My life was dull. Yes, I would participate in activities and events with family and friends, but it was dull. I was drifting along on the sea of life with no map, no rutter, no sails…nothing. And can I tell you I was not happy. Even going to church and hearing the word weekly, I was still missing something. 

One Sunday, I heard a message that told me to “Dream Big.” I made up my mind at that moment to do just that. 

I had been selling myself short by looking at what I could do instead of looking at what God could do through me. I knew I was created to do more than go to work, church, and then home. I prayed and studied God’s word to discover who He called me to be in the earth. Once I made the decision to seek Him first, various doors of opportunity began opening for me. These doors are also available to you.

You have what it takes to accomplish your goals. Stop selling yourself short. You were placed in the earth for a purpose. I am here to cheer you on.

Here are a few ways to stop living your life on wash, rinse, repeat: 

  1. Seek God to discover your purpose. If you already know what your purpose is, stop procrastinating.

  2. Stop making excuses. Don’t allow fear, doubt, or negativity from family or so-called friends to stop you. 

  3. Write down your vision or goals. Read and review them daily. 

  4. Get an accountability partner. Surround yourself with people who are like-minded and who are actively pursuing their dreams. 

  5. Get to work. Take small or large steps towards accomplishing your vision. 

I received the following words of wisdom from a former supervisor (paraphrased) “the years will continue to pass you by whether you pursue your dreams or don’t pursue them.” 

I say don’t wait another day. Dream big and walk out your purpose. 

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at authortunisiawilliams@gmail.com


No Regerts…I mean, No Regrets


Soak in the Moment